Get the diagnosis and treatment you need for your child’s allergy in Wimbledon
The Childrens Allergy Dr Costa’s private clinic offers a wide range of allergy services for parents who need an efficient, expert service to help test, diagnose and manage their children’s allergy – without the wait. Our primary focus of interest is in immunotherapy and desensitization

Test, diagnose, and manage your children’s allergies without the wait.
Get expert advice from our consultant with the diagnosis, treatment and management of food allergies, hayfever, asthma, chronic spontaneous urticaria, eczema and MCAS. Our clinic is privately run by Doctor Costa specifically for parents who need an efficient service to help test children for their allergies.

One stop shop for all your allergy needs
When you have a family with multiple members that need different treatments, Dr Costa’s private clinic offers a one stop shop. They offer services like house dust mite and pollen desensitization, as well as other food, seasonal and environmental allergies. They also provide immunotherapy – which is the only treatment option proven to work today. They offer expert clinical experience and qualifications to all their patients.

Get fast, expert help with the diagnosis and management of your child’s allergy.
Whether you’re a parent of a child with an allergy or not, The Childrens Allergy Dr Costa can offer you expert diagnosis and treatment services to manage your child’s allergy. Get fast, expert help without the wait.

Get qualified help fast with a specialist.
If you’re suffering from an allergic response, you need a specialist to help get your child back on track. Dr Costa’s private clinic offers expert services for infants and children with food allergies, hayfever, asthma, eczema and chronic spontaneous urticaria.
Get your children the allergy care they deserve.
We understand the urgency of parents who are trying to get the answers they need for their child’s suspected allergy. Use the online booking service to secure an appointment today.