Are you aware of the use of oils, often unrefined, as ingredients in products we use daily?
Started by looking into Becodefence and the information about it being safe for sesame allergy sufferers.
This is a wrong claim as one of the Sesame’s proteins (Ses i 1) is a Storage Protein, 2S Albumin, which is stable to heat and digestion.
So are other medications safe or not?
Actually there is significant variability and this is where we should be more cautious.
(more information on this can be seen at
The most common ones containing peanut oil (focusing mainly in Paediatrics) are:
Regarding Sesame oil (and apart from the example above), it is used in:
But how are oils refined?
So, please don’t use refined oils for cooking!
But is it all that bad?
The bottom line is: